Prepper Water Storage

Hello everyone, and welcome to the Survival Prep Shop.

I’m delighted to join you in another invigorating discussion about all things survival. As we explore together, keep in mind that my advice comes from a place of personal practice and reflection.

Water is the one supply you definitely can’t live without for very long. Above all else, you have to be prepared for a good water supply that will keep you and your family alive for days, weeks and months.

The problem with water is that it’s heavy. It’s not the most portable item to carry around, considering that each person should have a minimum of one gallon per day to use. But aside from carrying a small amount, there are ways you can prepare for better water stores in the event of a crisis or disaster.

Water survival is important because water supplies can become interrupted if there’s a lack of electricity, if a terror attack on our water supplies takes place, or if you’re forced to head out to an area like the woods where you can’t just walk over to a sink when you’re thirsty.