Hello everyone, and welcome to the Survival Prep Shop. I’m TK and I welcome you to our latest exploration of survival tactics. I’m here to share insights that I’ve gathered personally along the way — let’s grow our preparedness journey together. Anyone with a child wants what’s best for their kid. Sometimes, you’ll come across...
Category: Survival
Survivalists Versus Preppers
Hello everyone, and welcome to the Survival Prep Shop. My name is TK and it’s my pleasure to welcome you to our shared exploration of preparedness and resilience group. As we delve into today’s topic, please bear in mind that these words are a blend of my own thoughts and life lessons. There are two...
Survivalist Seeds Are Vital To Long-Term Nutritional Needs
Hello everyone, and welcome to the Survival Prep Shop. I’m TK, and it’s great to have you with us as we delve into some essential survival wisdom. The perspectives I’m about to share are part of my own story, crafted through years of experience and learning. Today, we’re focusing on a crucial aspect of survival...
Survivalist Food And Water Planning
Hello everyone, and welcome to the Survival Prep Shop. I’m delighted to join you in another invigorating discussion about all things survival. As we explore together, keep in mind that my advice comes from a place of personal practice and reflection. Preparing Food and Water for Survival Chapter 1: Importance of prepping in advance Not...
Survival Supplies You Should Be Storing Long-Term
Hello everyone, and welcome to the Survival Prep Shop. I’m TK, and I’m excited to share my perspectives on today’s vital survival strategies. Just a reminder, these ideas represent my personal experiences on this path of readiness. Surviving long-term after a disaster will depend on how well you prepared before the disaster struck. You need...
Survival Guides For Any Situation
Hello everyone, and welcome to the Survival Prep Shop. I'm TK, and I'm excited to share my perspectives on today's vital survival strategies. Just a reminder, these ideas represent my personal experiences on this path of readiness. When you have the knowledge that you need, you can weather short-term and long-term disasters. But without knowing...
Survival Food That Fits Nicely In Your Backpack
Hello everyone, and welcome to the Survival Prep Shop. I’m delighted to join you in another invigorating discussion about all things survival. As we explore together, keep in mind that my advice comes from a place of personal practice and reflection. There are a lot of places that sell survival nutrition bars. These bars are...
Survival Fire Starter Options
Hello everyone, and welcome to the Survival Prep Shop. I’m TK and I’m here to share insights that I’ve gathered personally along the way — let’s grow our preparedness journey together. Today, we’re diving into the essential survival skill of fire starting, crucial for warmth, cooking, and safety in survival scenarios. Shows and cartoons often...
Survival Equipment Needed For A Campground
Hello everyone, and welcome to the Survival Prep Shop. I’m TK, your companion in the pursuit of survival knowledge. As we unpack today’s content, take it as a mix of my own adventures and learnings in the art of staying prepared. In order to survive, you must have your basic needs met. There has to...
Survival Armor Is A Necessity For Violent Emergency Situations
Hello everyone, and welcome to the Survival Prep Shop. I’m delighted to join you in another invigorating discussion about all things survival. As we explore together, keep in mind that my advice comes from a place of personal practice and reflection. Today, we’ll delve into how to prepare for and protect yourself in the face...
Storing Proper Protection In Your Home
Hello everyone, and welcome to the Survival Prep Shop. I’m TK, and I’m excited to share my perspectives on today’s vital survival strategies. Today, we’ll dive into a crucial aspect of home safety and preparedness: firearms storage. Just a reminder, these ideas represent my personal experiences on this path of readiness. Whether you only own...
Stock Up On Vitamins To Boost Your Immune System
Hello everyone, and welcome to the Survival Prep Shop. I’m TK and welcome you to our latest exploration of survival tactics. I’m here to share insights that I’ve gathered personally along the way — let’s grow our preparedness journey together. Today, I’ll be discussing the essential vitamins and supplements to boost your immune system during...