Bring More Clothes Than You Think You

Hello everyone, and welcome to the Survival Prep Shop.

My name is TK and it's my pleasure to welcome you to our shared exploration of preparedness and resilience group.

As we delve into today's topic, please bear in mind that these words are a blend of my own thoughts and life lessons.

When you’re in a survival situation, you have to take care of the basics – which include water, food and shelter. But clothing is an important need for your survival. In fact, if you’re not prepared with the right kinds of clothes, it can lower your chances of survival.

The kinds of clothes that you choose to bug out with will depend on your location as well as the weather conditions. But it’s always best to take more clothes with you than you think you might need.

If you’ve already prepared your bug out bag with your clothing choices, you might want to take a second look at it. That’s because you might only be basing your decision on where you’re located and the season that you’re in – so you opt not to take a jacket along, for instance.

What you don’t realize is that even in the summer months, it can still get cold at night. That’s why you should bring things like a jacket – even if you don’t think the weather is right for it and you think you won’t use it.

It’s always better to have it and not use it than to need it and not have it. If you’re too warm, you can always take off something like a jacket, but if you’re too cold, you can’t create clothing that you didn’t bring.

It’s always a smart idea to keep a jacket in the bug out bag as well as have a selection of seasonal items. You might not need the long underwear now, but by the time you bug out, it could be a necessary item.

Pack for contingencies. Just when you least expect it, something happens. You could be headed to your bug out location and everything is going according to your plan. But then you reach your site and you trip and fall into water.

You have to get out of those clothes and into something dry – even if it’s summer – because if the temperature drops, you could get hypothermia. You can’t switch from wet clothes if you don’t have extra clothing.

Plus, if you’re chilled from getting wet, without a jacket you’ll have to hurry and get a fire going in order to get warm again. Bringing more clothes than you need is a smart thing to do because the wilderness is tough on clothes.

It’s easy for them to get torn from snagging them on something. It’s also easier for them to not last as long. You want to bring clothes that you can layer – from the lightweight to the medium weight clothing and all the way up to preparing for cold temperatures.

Make sure your bug out bag contains an extra set or two of clothing. That way, if you have to change, you have something comfortable you can put on. Don’t forget to make sure you have extra underwear, socks and a rain poncho as well.

I'm glad we could walk through these topics together.

If my stories can act as stepping stones on your path, I'll consider my job well done.

Thank you for your attention and companionship.

Thanks again.

TK – Survival Prep Shop

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