Water Bottles

Water Bottles

Hello everyone, and welcome to the Survival Prep Shop. I’m TK, and I’m excited to share my perspectives on today’s vital survival strategies. Just a reminder, these ideas represent my personal experiences on this path of readiness. Today, I’ll be delving specifically into the crucial topic of water storage—an indispensable part of survival. People can only go about three days without water. Having a reliable source of water is one of the three key parts of survival – the other two being food and shelter. However, just having a good source of water isn’t enough. You also need something to...

Prepper Water Storage

Prepper Water Storage

Hello everyone, and welcome to the Survival Prep Shop. I’m delighted to join you in another invigorating discussion about all things survival. As we explore together, keep in mind that my advice comes from a place of personal practice and reflection. Water is the one supply you definitely can’t live without for very long. Above all else, you have to be prepared for a good water supply that will keep you and your family alive for days, weeks and months. The problem with water is that it’s heavy. It’s not the most portable item to carry around, considering that each...

Which Survivalist Water Supplies Do You Need?

Which Survivalist Water Supplies Do You Need?

Hello everyone, and welcome to the Survival Prep Shop. My name is TK and it’s my pleasure to welcome you to our shared exploration of preparedness and resilience group. As we delve into today’s topic, please bear in mind that these words are a blend of my own thoughts and life lessons, specifically focusing on the critical topic of water storage and purification. Water is one of the essentials your body has to have in order to be able to survive. Your body’s organs can’t function without it. Since water is so necessary, you want to make sure that you’re...

Preparing For Water Stores In The Event Of A Pandemic

Preparing For Water Stores In The Event Of A Pandemic

Hello everyone, and welcome to the Survival Prep Shop. I’m delighted to join you in another invigorating discussion about all things survival. As we explore together, keep in mind that my advice comes from a place of personal practice and reflection. As you may or may not have heard, Calgary, Alberta, has had to extend their water restrictions for another 3 – 5 weeks. Now water restrictions may not be anything new in the world and this is definitely not due to a pandemic, however, it brings up some interesting points and some things to think about. If things go...

Is Canning A Good Way To Preserve Fresh Meat?

Is Canning A Good Way To Preserve Fresh Meat?

Hello everyone, and welcome to the Survival Prep Shop. I’m delighted to join you in another invigorating discussion about all things survival. As we explore together, keep in mind that my advice comes from a place of personal practice and reflection. Pressure canning food items is one of the popular preservation techniques preppers rely on. Storing organic or freshly grown produce might not be easy if it hasn’t been preserved right. Think about it – how long can you stock a big chunk of meat? Doesn’t matter if it is a rib eye or a cheap cut, storing raw meat...

Importance Of Mastering Primary Life Skills For A Prepper

Importance Of Mastering Primary Life Skills For A Prepper

Hello everyone, and welcome to the Survival Prep Shop. I’m TK, your companion in the pursuit of survival knowledge. As we unpack today’s content, take it as a mix of my own adventures and learnings in the art of staying prepared. When an awful crisis strikes, we start questioning “how did we not predict this coming?” Man-made or natural, disasters of any kind are a wake-up call. Preppers foresee such disasters and prepare to battle the odds and sustain well. Unlike those with a dissimilar mindset, preppers are never ready to watch their lives go for a toss. They rely...

How To Survive When Living Off The Grid?

How To Survive When Living Off The Grid?

Hello everyone, and welcome to the Survival Prep Shop. I'm TK, and I'm excited to share my perspectives on today's vital survival strategies.JJust a reminder, these ideas represent my personal experiences on this path of readiness. Little did you know that you need very less to survive. Unfortunately, we are addicted to the comforts of life. Going off the grid isn't easy. Why live like a caveman when you have access to the conveniences of the world? The hustle of everyday life adds to your stress and anxiety. Your physical health deteriorates. Above all, do you have the needed guts...

How To Choose The Perfect Bug Out Location?

How To Choose The Perfect Bug Out Location?

Hello everyone, and welcome to the Survival Prep Shop. I’m delighted to join you in another invigorating discussion about all things survival. As we explore together, keep in mind that my advice comes from a place of personal practice and reflection. Setting up a bug-out location is on the list of to-do’s for most preppers. It functions as a safe space to hang hats in when disaster kicks in. If you ever need to evacuate in an emergency, a bug-out spot is where you take shelter in. Therefore, ensuring that the space is well-equipped and liveable is essential. Emergency or...

Easy Foods To Dehydrate For Your Survival Storage

Easy Foods To Dehydrate For Your Survival Storage

Welcome fellow survival enthusiasts! I'm TK, and I'm thrilled to guide you through today's practical insights into self-reliance. Remember, the tips and stories you'll hear are born from my own journey and dedication to preparedness. Putting together a fully stocked pantry is essential for a survival plan. You are responsible for yourself and your family in a crisis, and sustaining can be harder than you think. Are you of an idea that hoarding food products is easy? It is anything but easy. Preppers start by planning in advance, following by investing heaps of money and time. You can always purchase...

Do You Have The Mindset To Be A Die-Hard Prepper?

Do You Have The Mindset To Be A Die-Hard Prepper?

Hello everyone! I’m TK, and together we’ll navigate the landscape of survival preparedness. Remember, the thoughts and advice here are drawn from my own life’s path — eager to share and eager to lean. It is a bright summer day just like any other and then… catastrophe kicks in out of the blue. Do you feel the ills of panic setting in? An ordinary person, greatly involved in a mundane hectic life, rarely thinks of uncertainty. Apocalypse or not, not everyone is prepared with contingency plans in hand. But, preppers are ready to encounter the crisis head-on. Wondering how? Preparing...

bug out location

Picking the Bug Out Location

Hello everyone, and welcome to the Survival Prep Shop. My name is TK and it's my pleasure to welcome you to our shared exploration of preparedness. As we delve into today's topic, please bear in mind that these words are a blend of my own thoughts and life lessons. When you have to bug out, you need to make sure that you’re heading to the right destination. It’s always best to have a plan well before the SHTF situation actually happens. Having a designated bug out location is key! You don’t want to leave anything to chance. If you haven’t...

evade resist and escape

Evade, Resist and Escape

Welcome fellow survival enthusiasts! I'm TK, and I'm thrilled to guide you through today's practical insights into self-reliance. Remember, the tips and stories you'll hear are born from my own journey and dedication to preparedness. Are you ready to evade, resist and escape? A bug out scenario isn’t the time to be huffing and puffing and lagging behind because you’re not physically prepared for the demand on your body. The time to get ready for the strength that you’re going to need is before you’re called on to need it. You have to get physically fit – and that doesn’t...