Survival Theory: A Preparedness Guide

Survival Theory: A Preparedness Guide

Discover the ultimate survival guide by bestselling author Jonathan Hollerman in his compelling book that details the potential downfall of America through societal collapses or the loss of the electric grid. Unlike any other, this guide delves deep into the realities faced when confronting a national crisis, providing not just strategies but a solid plan to ensure your family’s safety amidst chaos.

Key areas covered include:

  • Bug Out Bags
  • SHTF Weapons
  • Tactical Gear
  • Survival Tools
  • Knives
  • Long Term Food Storage
  • Livestock
  • Bug Out Locations
  • Survival Retreat Recommendations

Whether you’re new to prepping or a seasoned survivalist, Hollerman’s insights ensure you are prepared to face desperate, life-threatening situations without succumbing to the dangers of starvation, rioting, and looting. Equip yourself to protect and thrive, even when the world as we know it is upturned.

Check out this book!

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